Thursday, December 18, 2008
Just a Short blog this week
I'm working on redesigning our website, looking to add the ablility to purchase ART prints as well as your wedding pictures and other portraits a little easier. I also like the new format a little better, It'll be hard to give up the site as it is now since I did design it from stratch.
The new format will probably be in place sometime in January 2009.. Something to look forward to.
I've also started work on some HOW TO articles for the hobby photographers out there. Be looking for articles on Nature Photography, Macro Photography, Steroscopic Photography, Panoramic Photography, Night Photography, and might even throw in some usefull hints on doing portraits of your loved ones. They will be geared towards the DSLR's of today, but also will have some hints for the person that just has a simple point and shoot camera.
Given the free time I'll also included some locations around Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky that are great to photograph.
I can't wait for warm weather again to get outdoors again with my camera
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cincinnati has somevery interesting people, and places to photograph.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Gearing up for Winter Weddings

Also starting on work for a brand new web site that will fully intergrate ordering pictures and make it easier for customer to select their images for their packages as well as guest to order.
Also considering adding some add on things for weddings. Perhaps a Photo Area, where your guest can go to pose for a formal or silly formal portrait that will include a backdrop and professional lighting, so you can have a professionally lit picture of your guest. More on this later, I know the way I wrote that up had to be confusing.
I'm also debating on adding Steroscopic portraits (3d) to packages, just not sure how this one will go over, since most people require a viewer to view steroscopic pairs. They are neat, but might be really involved.
Look for these things and more in 2009...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Back to NORMAL...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Still Sore from Surgury

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Maternity Pictures

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Airshow and General update

Things have been busy over the last week. Just looking back through the summer time pictures that I got a chance to take for fun.. This one is from a weekend I took off from weddings in July. It was a hot day, and I was trying out my new Canon L series 100-400 IS lens. I love how sharp the lens is, but by the end of the day my arm was feeling the added weight. All the wedding pictures are processed and up for viewing for the clients and their families, so I thought I'd post something different this week.
It's been a good year... Not much going on in the month of November wedding wise, so there will be time for updating our web page, paperwork, etc. Back to normal in December and January. Over the last year, we've spent a good deal investing in new cameras and other equipment. I haven't used it for a wedding yet but I added a steroscopic (3d) lens to the collection that is pretty cool, only issue is you need a viewer to view the images in 3d or be skilled in cross eyed viewing (which I am not).
I'm sure Cincinnati and the tri-state area in general will keep us busy in the upcoming year. We already have a lot of the high volume months booked or nearly booked. I just told a bride and her father when they asked how far in advance to actually book a date that they need to decide soon no matter who they are using. In the last year I've turned down couples that waited too long.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Do it your self photography?

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Two Weddings - All was smooth...

We did two weddings this weekend, and both turned out GREAT.. Pretty Brides, Pretty Bridesmaids, and there were guys in the wedding too.. I guess the women would say handsome guys! It was a lot of work with two weddings, double the equipment checks, twice the stress. Rose and Jeni did a great job with their wedding as I knew they would as did Vicki and Myself.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
New Month - IR for something new Fujifilm IS-1
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Weekend
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Weekend is here

It's looking like rain for an outdoor wedding.. Hopefully it will hold off.
I added a link on to this blog so people can actually read it if they care to..
I got most of my training guides done for "Wedding Photographer Assistant Photographer" Added samples shots to the end of it along with poses. Of course unless you are one of our assistants you will never see this document.
Revised our contract and policies a little bit.. Preparing for a price increase for next year, we should see our low tier package disappear, and our middle packages prices go up, and number of paper proofs go down in the higher packages. (It takes so long to select 400 proofs to submit to the lab is the real reason for this.)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Gearing up for more weddings - Sept-October are always busy months.

Anway.. Starting the process to get ready for the weekend... Charging batteries, buying AA's again for the off camera flash's we use. Formatting cards, cleaning the camera, lenses, etc.. Have alread called the bride to confirm the place and times I have on their contract is still good.
Oct 4th is our first wedding where we are double booked, meaning Rose and I both have our own wedding. All will go good.. Rose has done weddings as a lead photographer and done great..
Got pictures back for a wedding album for one of my brides... now to get the album put together.. The couple will love them.. The pages came out really great and looks good on the Metallic paper they ordered, I'll order one of these for myself!!
Got to reorder a few prints on another order that just didn't turn out how I wanted them to. I hate that, but it is life. Sending out another print order today for yet another bride, the pictures look great..
Other Photography: Went the the Zoo over the weekend and took some Infrared photographs around the lake, etc.. Will process them later and post a few soon. Got some neat photos of our son on his bike too...
Friday, September 19, 2008
My First Blog - Introduction
If you get into shooting weddings you will find out that there is a lot more to it than just taking pictures. First off you have to have equipment and have it ready. I spend at least 2-3 hours the night before a wedding just checking my camera gear, making sure batteries are charged, etc..
The morning of the wedding, I take it easy, Watch TV with my 4 Year old son, etc...
Weddings normally last 5-6 hours... I'll write more on this later..
We go home, go to sleep.. the next day to next week, each picture is loaded onto a computer, copied to an external hard drive and stored elsewhere. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP... This comes from my computer IT background.
Next using Adobe Lightroom all the RAW pictures (we shoot only camera RAW mode) are loaded in and cropped, and color balanced, with some editing, then converted to Jpg files and uploaded to a website for the couple and their guests to review and hopefully purchase some.
We pass out cards at the wedding with the web site address on them, and it's really a good source of leads as well as some additional income. The ordering for the guests is all done online and we never have to be part of the loop. We provide more personal service for the couple and anyone else that requests it.
The converting of the images takes longer than the wedding..