Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Okay - Fun Stuff

I just got done RE-SENDING my web site to the server! Some hacker, hacked into it and deleted some files that were needed to make it work. It's bad when people do this, makes me wonder why. Anyway, it's back up, by provider is researching what happened and I'm taking steps to prevent it from happening again.

If you tried to view our web site in the past and it wasn't up shoot me an email. I was wondering why things were slow from the internet and I guess with a site not working it could happen. Rest assured we are not going anywhere and if you ever do find our site not up and running please shoot me an email. I'll be watching it a lot closer. I found out due to wanting to add a link to our links page for a friend that sells Holy Clothing - you'll have to visit the site to find out more on this unique line of clothing tell her I sent you if you like.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Been a while - Sorry

WOW, trying to keep this update has been a test at times. Anway, The month of January was a busy month for us. Weddings and a couple other events kept us busy, which is a good thing but didn't leave a lot of time for blogging.

We are excited to be starting a new season, trying some new ideas, new shots, new poses, and new equipment. We have a couple of exciting ideas that will be tested over the next couple months and then offered to other couples.

On a SAD note, With the cost of everything from battries to shipping to insurance going up we are going to see a slight increase in our packages, which will still be very competitive in our market area. I'm trying to work it out so this will be a small impact on new customers. If you booked for a lower amout, your prices will NOT go up. Ala-Cart rates may go up very slightly.