Monday, September 29, 2008

The Weekend

Rain was in the forecast all week for the Saturday wedding, however someone forgot to tell mother nature. It was a beautiful day. Not too Hot, the sun was bright, but a 5:30-6pm wedding it was just on the otherside of the treeline. The bride and her maid of honor were very stunning, the groom and his best man looked good too... (okay... you brides know they are just there.. It's your day).

This Wedding was the kind of wedding we love to shoot.. The people were friendly, The DJ played great music, The cake was fantastic to photography, and to eat a piece was a delight(Cheesecake).

Looking over the pictures they all turned out great, we took a little over a thousand pictures between the two of us.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Weekend is here

All the pictures are ordered from the week... Prints are packaged to mail.. And it's time to relax.. for the weekend wedding.. Even order duplicates of the prints for an album I did that I really like.

It's looking like rain for an outdoor wedding.. Hopefully it will hold off.

I added a link on to this blog so people can actually read it if they care to..

I got most of my training guides done for "Wedding Photographer Assistant Photographer" Added samples shots to the end of it along with poses. Of course unless you are one of our assistants you will never see this document.

Revised our contract and policies a little bit.. Preparing for a price increase for next year, we should see our low tier package disappear, and our middle packages prices go up, and number of paper proofs go down in the higher packages. (It takes so long to select 400 proofs to submit to the lab is the real reason for this.)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gearing up for more weddings - Sept-October are always busy months.

Had the last weekend off!! At least from weddings... Met a couple new couples which is always a fun thing to do.. I'll follow up later today with them to see what their needs are. Also Meeting another couple tonight!!

Anway.. Starting the process to get ready for the weekend... Charging batteries, buying AA's again for the off camera flash's we use. Formatting cards, cleaning the camera, lenses, etc.. Have alread called the bride to confirm the place and times I have on their contract is still good.

Oct 4th is our first wedding where we are double booked, meaning Rose and I both have our own wedding. All will go good.. Rose has done weddings as a lead photographer and done great..

Got pictures back for a wedding album for one of my brides... now to get the album put together.. The couple will love them.. The pages came out really great and looks good on the Metallic paper they ordered, I'll order one of these for myself!!

Got to reorder a few prints on another order that just didn't turn out how I wanted them to. I hate that, but it is life. Sending out another print order today for yet another bride, the pictures look great..

Other Photography: Went the the Zoo over the weekend and took some Infrared photographs around the lake, etc.. Will process them later and post a few soon. Got some neat photos of our son on his bike too...

Friday, September 19, 2008

My First Blog - Introduction

Okay.. Trying something new.. I've been photographing weddings for a while now and have had a blast doing it. We have met a lot of interesting people along the way, made some friends, and generally have had a blast. Sure it's been a lot of work, but worth it.

If you get into shooting weddings you will find out that there is a lot more to it than just taking pictures. First off you have to have equipment and have it ready. I spend at least 2-3 hours the night before a wedding just checking my camera gear, making sure batteries are charged, etc..

The morning of the wedding, I take it easy, Watch TV with my 4 Year old son, etc...

Weddings normally last 5-6 hours... I'll write more on this later..

We go home, go to sleep.. the next day to next week, each picture is loaded onto a computer, copied to an external hard drive and stored elsewhere. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP... This comes from my computer IT background.

Next using Adobe Lightroom all the RAW pictures (we shoot only camera RAW mode) are loaded in and cropped, and color balanced, with some editing, then converted to Jpg files and uploaded to a website for the couple and their guests to review and hopefully purchase some.

We pass out cards at the wedding with the web site address on them, and it's really a good source of leads as well as some additional income. The ordering for the guests is all done online and we never have to be part of the loop. We provide more personal service for the couple and anyone else that requests it.

The converting of the images takes longer than the wedding..